Next meeting is on Wed 19th February - We have Nic Wright from Collie Flower Seeds
Next meeting is on Wed 19th February - We have Nic Wright from Collie Flower Seeds
A plant growing within the restrictions of a pot or container will eventually exhaust all available nutrients, so a regular programme of supplementary feeding must be undertaken as they rely totally on you for food and water.
All feeds contain trace elements which are essential for healthy plants and N. P. K.
N = Nitrogen P = Phosphate K = Potash
Nitrogen stimulates the growth of foliage and helps build up a good sturdy plant important at the beginning of the season.
Phosphate helps to build up a good strong root system also important at the beginning of the season.
Potash is important to plants at all times as it assists in the use of the nitrogen, helps prevent soft sappy growth and helps to improve the colour of flowers.
High Nitrogen in the spring
Balanced NPK during the main growing season
High Potash when flowering is required
The numbers under or next to NPK refer to the ratio of fertilisers in the feed. If the first number is higher (25:15:15) it is a high Nitrogen feed. If all the numbers are the same (15:15:15) it is a balanced feed. If the last number is higher (15:15:25) it is a high Potash feed.
Fuchsias can also benefit from a foliar feed by spraying but only when there are no flower buds as they can be badly marked. Plants can be given a couple of applications of Magnesium (Epsom Salts) at a rate of 1 ounze to the gallon later in the season.
For fuchsias weaker more frequent applications of feed are best, dilute the dose to a quarter strength and give each time you water. Regular feeding of your plants is important and can make all the difference between adequate plants and ones you can be proud of.