Next meeting is on Wed 19th February - We have Nic Wright from Collie Flower Seeds
Next meeting is on Wed 19th February - We have Nic Wright from Collie Flower Seeds
Annual Show 2025
Saturday 2nd August 2025
United Reformed Church
School Street
LS28 8PN
Judges: - Linda Hinchcliffe & Alan Godfrey
Entries and staging between 7pm - 9pm on Friday 1st August and 9am - 10.45am on Saturday 2nd August
Judging will commence at 11am
Fuchsia section:
Beginners Class:
1. One pot - any cultivar, any standard size pot. This class is for members of the West Yorkshire Fuchsia and Pot Plant Society only
Open Classes:
2. Box or board of six open fuchsia flowers - any cultivar.
3. One plant - hardy variety - max pot size 216mm (8.5"). Must be on current BFS list
4. One pot maximum 90mm (3.5") - any cultivar
5. One pot 100-114mm (4 - 4.5") - single/semi-double/double
6. One pot 127-140mm (5 - 5.5") - single/semi-double/double
7. Two pots flowering plants of the same cultivar grown as a matching pair
8. One pot, minimum 153mm (6") - any cultivar
9. Catch-all-class any size pot Any plant that does not readily fit in any other class
10. One pot, maximum 165mm (6.5") - with variegated/ornamental foliage. Flowers are not taken into consideration
11. One plant - any cultivar - trained as a Bonsai
12. One or more plants of the same cultivar, trained in any shape other than bush or standard (i.e. fan, pillar, cone, ring etc) Frames may be used.
13. One pot Triphylla or Triphylla type, any size pot - must be on current BFS list
14. One pot Species - in any size standard pot. Must be on current BFS list
15. One pot, any standard size - Encliandra type
16. One standard pot, mini or quarter - see definitions for size
17. One hanging container, any size with any number of Fuchsia plants (can be 1 variety or mixed varieties). See rule no. 7
18. One commercially manufactured ornamental plastic urn or tub (not trough) containing any number of fuchsia plants (any variety/varieties)
a) A fuchsia bloom for show purposes should have four sepals . Some cultivars habitually throw blooms with more or less than four sepals and this should not be treated as a cultural fault. A single flower should have four petals, a semi-double should have five to seven petals and a double flower should have eight or more petals. Semi-double flowers should be exhibited in classes for single flower fuchsias.
b) Standard sizes: Mini standard 152-254mm (6"-10")
Quarter standard 254-457mm(10"-18")
Measurements taken from the top f the compost to the underside of the first branch.
c) Standard pots have the inside diameter of the pot approximately the same as the perpendicular height but with a distinct taper.
d) A BEGINNER is a competitor who has not won a FIRST PRIZE at this show.
Note to Fuchsia exhibitors:
The British Fuchsia Society have introduced the following new guidelines for the judging of foliage and hardy classes.
FOLIAGE CLASSES: To obtain the best leaf colour, the plant should be covered with young, new growth i.e plants should have been stopped 5/6 weeks prior to the show, with a maximum of 3 stops on the current growth to allow for amore natural appearance.
HARDY CLASSES: Hardy fuchsias may be grown with some protection for show purposes. With hardy fuchsias being so dissimilar in habit it is permissible for them to be trained, with some pinching, into a balanced shape for the show bench. They must however, retain a natural appearance with a maximum of 3 stops on the current growth.
The exhibits can be old plants, but there is a limit on the number of stops that the plants can be given for the show bench.
Pot Plant Section
19. One pot zonal pelargonium, having bi/tri/bronze or golden coloured foliage
20. One pot regal pelargonium
21. One pot ivy or hybrid leaf pelargonium
22. One pot scented leaf pelargonium
23. One pot angel or stellar or zonal pelargonium
24. One pot plant foliage (excluding fuchsias, pelargoniums)
25. One pot plant flowering (excluding fuchsias, pelargoniums)
26. One pot cactus or succulent
27. A container of cactus and/or succulents (any size container and any number of plants)
28. A bonsai tree or group of trees (may include fuchsias)
29. Hanging container any size, planted with annuals and/or perennials (excluding fuchsias) See show rules no 7
Cut Flower Section
30. Dahlia - One vase, 3 stems, any variety/varieties
31. One vase of any cut flower - 5 stems
32. One vase mixed flowers and foliage arranged for all round effect
Fruit/Vegetable Section
33. Collection of 6 kinds of vegetable, one of each kind. To occupy a space max 18" frontage x depth of table
34. Three Beetroot, tops to be trimmed to 76mm (not to be cut)
35. Three Carrots, long or stump, tops to be trimmed to 76mm
36. One Cucumber
37. Two Blanched Leeks
38. Three Onions, not to exceed 250g - dressed
39. One dish four Potatoes, white or coloured
40. Three sticks Rhubarb, trimmed to 75mm
41. One dish six exhibition Shallots
42. Five Tomatoes
43. One head of Lettuce, Crisp, Butterhead, Cos or Loose leaf - to be staged with roots washed and in a jar of water
44. One dish, any other vegetable not already specified
45. One dish four cooking Apples
46. One dish four dessert Apples
47. One dish any other top or stone fruit, number of specimens at exhibitors discretion
48. One dish any other fruit not already specified
***********************************************************************************52. The Master Gardeners Challenge
49. One vase of one stem cut flower, plus one pot plant and one dish of fruit or vegetable
Prize money - all classes except class 49 1st - £4. 2nd - £2. 3rd - £1
Class 49 1st - £10. 2nd - £5. 3rd - £3
Show Rules:
1. All plants in the fuchsia section must be grown in standard pots (see definition) of any colour except classes 11,12,18,&19. Only commercially produced hanging containers will be permitted for class 18. in the pot plant section it is the exhibitors choice of pot.
2. All plants must be the property of the exhibitor and have been in their possession for at least 3 months prior to the show. plants must be shown in final sized pots or containers in which they have been grown.
3. All plants must be clean and free of pests and diseases. Plants with obvious infestation will be removed from the show.
4. Where possible exhibits should be named.
5. Any protests must be made within one hour of the show opening to the public and any such protest will be considered by such members of the committees are present. Any committee member having an interest in the objection or dispute cannot act.
6. Fuchsia Catch-all-Class, this class is designed to allow what are considered the more unusual cultivars, eg: inter-specific types and cultivars that show uncommon characteristics. The good spirit of exhibitor and judge will make this possible. This class is not intended for plants that can be exhibited elsewhere in the show, no matter how difficult they are to grow or shape.
7. The containers for classes 18 and 32 must be commercially manufactured as a hanging container. containers can be made from wire mesh, plastic or willow and can have open or solid sides. Tops of containers need not be circular. ordinary plant pots with hangers are not allowed
8. It is the exhibitors responsibility to ensure that exhibits are entered and staged in the correct class.
9. In the Fuchsia section, with the exception of class 18, all classes will be judged to BFS guidelines.
10. There is no limit to the number of entries or prizes, any exhibitor may have in each class.
11. Only persons authorised by the show secretary shall be allowed in the hall during judging.
12. The judge's decision is final.
13. No exhibitor shall remove any exhibit before the close of the show without permission of the show secretary.
14. The society will take every precaution to prevent damage to exhibits, but will not be responsible for any loss or damage that may occur.
15. Vegetable classes will be judged to N.V.S guidelines.
16. The use of horticultural foam is not allowed.
17. Entry fee - 30p per exhibit and all entries must be submitted on official entry form.
18. It is permissible for a maximum of 2 people to make a joint entry in any class except for the beginners class.
Members Show
Wednesday 20th August 2025. This years show judge is John Smiles
Staging - 6.30pm - 7.15pm Judging starts at 7.30pm
Fuchsia Section:
1. Distribution plant - Fuchsia any size pot
2. Box or board of six open fuchsia flower heads
3. One pot - any cultivar in a maximum pot size 90mm (3.5")
4. One pot - Triphylla, any size pot, must be on the current BFS list
5. One pot - single, semi-double or double pot size 102mm (4")- 115mm (4.5")
6. One pot - single, semi-double or double pot size 127mm (5") - 153mm (6")
7. One plant - hardy variety, maximum pot size 216mm (8.5"). Must be on current BFS list
8. One pot - Encliandra any size pot
9. One pot - Species or Species variant any size pot (not Encliandra) Must be on current BFS list
10. A Bonsai tree or group of trees shown in a container or on a slab
11. One pot - any cultivar, mini or quarter standard
Mini standard maximum pot size 133mm (5.25")
Quarter standard any size pot
12. One pot - variegated/ornamental foliage plant, any size pot. Flowers are not
taken into consideration
13. One hanging container, any size
14. Beginners class - one pot any cultivar, any size pot.
Pot plant section:
15. Distribution plant - Sunpatiens, any size pot
16. One pot plant foliage, excluding fuchsias and coleus
17. One pot plant flowering, excluding fuchsias
18. One pot Pelargonium
19. One pot Coleus
20. One pot Cactus or Succulent
All plants must be grown in standard pots and any colour, with
the exception of classes 10 & 13
Dimensions for class 11 - the length of stem from compost level to underside of the first branch:
Mini - 152-254mm (6 -10")
Quarter - 254-457mm (10 - 18")
A beginner is a competitor who has not won a first prize at a previous members show.
Staging - 6.30pm to 7.15pm Judging at 7.30pm
Judge : John Smiles