Next meeting is on Wed 19th February - We have Nic Wright from Collie Flower Seeds
Next meeting is on Wed 19th February - We have Nic Wright from Collie Flower Seeds
Although this simple guide is written for any grower who wants to produce a hanging display it is written with the beginner in mind.
It is not essential that the same cultivar be used for the basket/hanging pot, it depends on the end use. For garden display use the same or mixed varieties, but for exhibition it is preferable to use the same cultivar.
Hanging Baskets
There are a number of different types of basket available from plastic, wicker, wire etc. There are also different shapes from half round, round, conical, etc. The choice is yours. When using a wire basket ensure that it is lined with a suitable material such as black plastic, moss (from a renewable source) and felt, again the choice is yours.
After lining the basket place a circular piece of polythene inside the bottom before filling, make sure there are holes in the polythene to help with drainage. Fuchsias do not like to be continually wet, overwatered or stood in water all of which could be detrimental to the plant.
There are many different composts available and fuchsias will grow in them all, find the one that suits you. It is recommended that you use a multi purpose soil-less compost or a mixture of multipurpose compost and John Innes No 3. To the growing medium perlite and/or vermiculite can be added at a rate of 5 parts compost to 1 part perlite/vermiculite. A slow release granule fertiliser may also be added. When the basket is lined, part fill with whichever compost you have chosen.
Place the selected rooted cuttings or plants in the basket and space them out evenly. If using cuttings it is preferable to use a multi-purpose compost (peat based or peat-free) as there is too much feed in John Innes No 3 (see How to take Fuchsia cuttings).
Suggested number* of cuttings/plants
Cuttings Plants**
30cm (12”) basket 7 4
35cm (14”) basket 9 5
More cuttings/plants can be used if required
** also add 1 plant in the centre of the basket
The cuttings/plants should be planted at a slight angle towards the outside rim of the basket, excluding the central plant. Top up the remainder of the basket with compost and gently firm in the plants.
Where possible try to position the basket in a place where it will have some mid-day shade during the heat of summer.
Water the plants regularly, at least daily in spring and summer, as they tend to dry out quickly. Water-retaining granules may be used, although this is not essential. Feed regularly as you do for any fuchsia in a pot and do not forget to stop the young plants when they have 2 or 3 pairs of leaves, repeat this again another 3 or 4 times, this should be sufficient to give you a good show of flowers.
Prepare and treat the half-basket in the same way as a hanging basket.
Hanging Pots
Normally hanging pots are made of plastic and usually have a saucer integral to the pot. Treat these as standard pots which are grown hanging from brackets, etc. The saucers are not necessary and it is alright to remove them.
Growing in hanging pots is the same as growing in baskets except on a smaller scale. Watering and feeding is the same as for any type of pot. However, hanging pots require regular watering as they tend to dry out quicker than hanging baskets, this is because they have less growing medium and it may be necessary to water 2/3 times daily (especially in hot weather).